John Knox Presbyterian Kirk

Community Minded; Loving & Serving
Welcome to The Kirk of Kansas City. We are an inclusive congregation that follows Jesus, worships God, builds community, and loves and serves God’s people. Whether you are looking to begin or grow your faith journey, we invite you to learn more about The Kirk.
Meaningful Worship
The Kirk's worship service includes traditional music, a biblically sound and culturally relevant sermon, and a space to pause and find meaning in something beyond yourself. We offer our service in-person and online.
Strong Community
We build community by intentionally working at it. We choose to come together for worship on Sunday, despite busy lives. But we also work on projects, gather in small groups for study, and serve our neighborhood. It gives us life and it helps us be better, more caring people.
Loving & Serving
We are a church because God calls us together to love one another and to serve others. We take this requirement of our faith seriously, and we work with a number of organizations throughout our neighborhood, Kansas City and the world, in the name of Jesus Christ.